July 5, 2024

Post-Wedding Checklist: Things to Do After the Big Day

Congratulations on your wedding! Here's a comprehensive post-wedding checklist to help you get everything in order after your big day:

1. Send Thank-You Notes

  • Write and send thank-you notes to all guests who attended your wedding and those who sent gifts.
  • Personalize each note, mentioning the specific gift and how you plan to use it.

2. Return Rentals and Items

  • Return any rented items, such as tuxedos, decorations, and equipment.
  • Take care of any borrowed items from friends or family.

3. Preserve Your Wedding Dress and Suit

  • Have your wedding dress and suit professionally cleaned and preserved.
  • Store them in a safe, climate-controlled place.

4. Finalize Vendor Payments

  • Review and settle any outstanding balances with your wedding vendors.
  • Leave reviews and testimonials for vendors who provided excellent service.

5. Organize and Share Wedding Photos and Videos

  • Select your favorite photos and videos from your photographer and videographer.
  • Share them with friends and family, and consider creating an online album or slideshow.

6. Update Personal Information

  • Change your last name on legal documents if applicable (e.g., Social Security card, driver's license, passport).
  • Update your address, if you moved, on all relevant accounts (e.g., bank, credit cards, utilities).

7. Thank Your Wedding Party

  • Show appreciation to your bridal party and groomsmen with small gifts or personal notes.
  • Consider hosting a post-wedding gathering to celebrate with them.

8. Review Your Wedding Budget

  • Review your final wedding budget and expenses.
  • Store receipts and contracts for future reference.

9. Store and Catalog Wedding Gifts

  • Organize and store your wedding gifts.
  • Make a list of who gave what for thank-you notes and future reference.

10. Plan Your Future Together

  • Discuss and plan for your financial future as a couple, including budgeting, savings, and investments.
  • Review and update your wills and insurance policies.

11. Reflect on the Day

  • Take time to reminisce about your wedding day and all the special moments.
  • Consider writing down your memories or creating a scrapbook.

12. Prepare for the Honeymoon

  • If you haven’t gone on your honeymoon yet, finalize your travel plans.
  • Ensure all necessary documents and arrangements are in order.

13. Join or Renew Health Plans

  • Update your health insurance to reflect your marital status and add your spouse if necessary.
  • Review other insurance policies such as auto and life insurance.

14. Celebrate Your New Life Together

  • Plan date nights and fun activities to continue the celebration.
  • Enjoy this new chapter in your life!

By following this checklist, you can ensure that all important post-wedding tasks are taken care of, allowing you to enjoy your new life together.
