Why You Should Forgive Yourself

Posted on 15 August
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A life without mistakes is not possible. Maybe everyone is aware of this fact. Still there are very few who don’t punish themselves for the past mistakes. Check out why you should forgive yourself.

Would you touch a hot surface knowingly? Never. In the same way most mistakes in life happen without awareness. Knowingly, nobody chooses the wrong path. But we know there are people who have been hurting themselves for their past mistakes by thinking it over again and again. Do regretting, worrying ever going to solve anything in your life? No.

For of all when you think about a past mistake what kind of emotions you feel in your mind? All negative energy depleting ones. You can’t do anything productive with that mentality. You don’t even feel alive by having that mentality. So when you think about your past mistakes again and again how worse your mind becomes in the long term? 


Nobody can control what you think and feel. Only you can do that. Your thoughts are the seeds of your emotions. Only good emotions can make you feel alive. Only good emotions can inspire you to do great things. To do so, to have such wonderful emotions you must leave the past behind. 

No matter how worse your past mistakes are. Your u can’t do anything about them but learn from them. Nothing happen without a cause. Instead of punishing yourself by thinking about you ur past mistakes over and over again check how all those mistakes happen. How you can protect yourself from making those mistakes again in your life. That’s what wise people do.

By looking for the lessons behind your past misdeeds you are making yourself more powerful, more effective. When you wait too long to reach this understanding what you are going to lose is time. The most valuable co. oddity on earth. Don’t make that mistake. 


Making mistakes is never the real problem but wasting time by thinking it over again and again the real problem. It’s a complete energy depleting, time wasting habit. 

If you don’t forgive yourself who will? Nobody else can change your mentality like you. Whatever happened has happened. No matter how worse it is, just move on. Look for what you can learn from that event. It will inspire you to make better decisions in future.

Your emotions start from the type of thoughts you have in your mind. When you think about your past mistakes all emotions following them become negative. So everything’s starts from thoughts. To change the emotions you should change the thoughts you have in your head. 

Every time when hurtful past thoughts come to your mind, focus on what you can learn from it rather than keep those thoughts there. When you do this repeatedly it becomes your habit to focus on solutions rather than problems. 

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