Marriage Horoscope by Date of Birth

Posted on 9 February
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Every person in this world possesses distinct characteristics. But there are some traits that are similar, that can be classified into nine types as per numerology. Below you will find an individual's preferences when it comes to their wedding. While some of them are emotional, some prioritise on external beauty and some are just practical. All these things are decided by your date of birth. This is much more complex than merely dividing the entire world into nine types of people, but it's not feasible to describe each and every date. Once you know about astrology, you can analyse yourself from the date you are born on. An individual's characteristics depend on the name number, psychic number, destiny number, month of birth, year of birth and zodiac.

  • If your date of birth falls on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th then you are a number 1
  • If your date of birth falls on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th then you are a number 2
  • If your date of birth falls on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, then you are a number 3
  • If your date of birth falls on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st then you are a number 4
  • If your date of birth falls on 5th, 14th or 23rd then you are a number 5
  • If your date of birth falls on 6th, 15th or 24th then you are a number 6
  • If your date of birth falls on 7th, 16th or 25th then you are a number 7
  • If your date of birth falls on 8th, 17th or 26th then you are a number 8
  • If your date of birth falls on 9th, 18th or 27th then you are a number 9

Number 1

Individuals who are a number 1 are leaders and they love to lead in everything. Based on numerology science, number 1 people try to rule over their spouse and always wish to have the last say in every matter. Most of it depends on their zodiac sign, but often they can't be compelled to do something that they aren't ready to do. Also, these individuals won't give up when in love. In all likelihood, they will get wedded to their childhood beloved. Added to that number 1 people don't compromise and feel like they possess some extraordinary qualities and owing to that they'll fall for extraordinary people. Also they are more practical people than being very emotional and like beauty as they possess a much-refined taste. They might remain unmarried for long but won't settle down just with any person. They are creative and experimenting is their thing. Number 1 people are committed and they can expect their spouse to be loyal.

Number 2

Individuals who are a number 2 are moody, sensual and sensitive. It's invariably about the mental connection with their partners, for them. They give more importance to emotional connection and have tremendous imagination power. For number 2 people they often experience extreme mood swings and owing to that its essential for their spouse to have a stable mind. Given that they have a good understanding with their partners, they'll only be satisfied in their marriage. When it comes to their marriage, they always follow their heart. Also they won't easily part ways after getting attached to someone.

Number 3

They resemble individuals who are a number 1 when it comes to the wedding. But unlike number 2 individuals they don't follow their heart and are practical while choosing their life partner. Also, they are ambitious and bold. They are very self-obsessed in nature and curate their own laws. Number 3 individuals typically want to get hitched to the best. And in contrast to the numbers 2, 7, 8, and 6 they are not much romantic. Added to that they don't believe in spending time with their spouse, they prioritise their career. Number 3 individuals strive to prove their supremacy in every field. For them, marital relationships will be good if their partner agrees that she will be the second-best. All these traits are not evident and the partners of number 3 individuals realise it only they start to spend time with each other.

Number 4

Each of the number 4 individuals has something unique regarding them. And according to Astrology, they are not generally romantic in nature. A small percentage of number 4 individuals are much loyal and let their spouse dominate them. Particularly those who have a birth date of 22nd are often loyal with their spouse. They will be very dedicated to their marital relationship. Number 4 individuals are short-tempered and are unlucky when it comes to their wedding so they should be careful while tying the knot.

Number 5

Number 5 individuals are characterised by their impulsive nature and they require a stable life partner similar to individuals who are a number 2. For them, number 8 individuals make for a good match. Added to that number 5 individuals don't get carried away in love and take practical decisions when it comes to their wedding. Number 5 people are versatile, love entertainment, change and experimenting is their thing. One thing to be noted is that they often change their minds as their minds work very fast.

Number 6

Six is the number of the planet of solar system- Venus. It is the planet of peace and love. Individuals who are number 6 are magnetic and charming when it comes to love. According to Astrology, they are much manipulative and it’s essential to be emotionally and mentally connected in their marriage. For them, emotional connection is more valuable just like number 2 individuals.

Number 7

Individuals who are a number 7 generally are not talkative since they are thoughtful and dreamy. But it doesn't imply that they aren't romantic or cold. The number seven symbolises Ketu that possesses some qualities like that of number 2 individuals and that's why they get along well with individuals who are a number 2. But individuals who are a number 7 are dreamy and keep imagining what they need in life. Also, it's essential for them to be connected emotionally with their life partners in marriage just as number 2 individuals. In their marital life, any petty issue can turn big in their mind owing to their over analysing nature. So they need to communicate with their spouse often to clear any misunderstandings.

Number 8

They are much emotional, but even still they are strong. Women who are a number 8 suffer in their marital life. Owing to that they should strictly match their horoscope before getting hitched. And number 8 women take a lot of time to get attached to their life partner but once they do so, they will follow their spouse blindly. Individuals who are a number 8 often get drawn to individuals who are a number 8 and 4 since they share perfect compatibility with those individuals. But a number 8 individual should never get married to another number 8 individual as these numbers bring struggle.

Number 9

Nine stands for the solar planet Mars, and it is a destructive planet. Likewise, individuals who are number 9 are full of energy and aggression. They are emotional but no one can see that side of them hardly. They are also emotional regarding their spouse and are attached to their families.

Therefore to finalize a wedding, the marriage horoscope has a very important role and is regarded as the important and key step in planning prior to a wedding between the bride and groom.

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