Why You Should Choose Your Friends Carefully

Posted on 5 August
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True friends are the real treasure inlife. There’s no doubt about it. But not everyone can be your friend. Not everyone can be a true genuine friend. That’s why you should choose your friends carefully. Check out how to do it. 

Humans can’t live without interacting with others. All we crave for love and attention from others. What most people don’t understand is you don’t have to make self sacrifice to build friendship. You don’t have to impress others to build friendship . That’s not how strong friendships are built. 

In a genuine friendship both people want to see constant growth and happiness in each other’s life. Sometimes you can’t solve every single problem in your friend’s life. But you can always keep a supportive mind. That’s what is needed above all.


But not everyone has that mindset. There are people who are only interested in taking what you can give for them. In such a relationship respect and love can’t exist. At the splint where you stop being a giver then will leave from your life. That’s why you should choose your friends wisely.

Nobody can manipulate you without your consent. If somebody wants to stay in your life he/she will stay anyway. If somebody wants to leave your life they will leave anyway. The base of all strong relationships is mutual respect and deep desire to see constant growth and happiness in each other’s life. It doesn't exist no matter how hard you try, no true friendship is possible. It’s a fact.

It costs nothing To inspire someone without expecting anything in return or to be happy for others' achievements. What it needs is a beautiful mindset for it. Only such people can build strong relationships. Where there is ego, problems become so common in relationships. Mutual respect or true love can't exist in such relationships.


More than anything else it’s the mindset to support the growth in another person that needs the most to build amazing friendships. When one has that mindset others automatically want to be with that person. See if you are a n excellent computer programmer your u lose nothing by teaching it to one of your friends. Think about you. I also wish to see his growth far more than you ever achieved. If you have that mindset could anybody really hate you?

See, by stopping others from achieving their dream, by deliberately stopping yourself from inspiring them or showing no gratitude, you are hurting yourself. What you are actually doing is stopping yourself from being a good human, being a good friend. 

When you choose a friend in your life make sure that person has desire to see the growth in your life. You have to do the same for him/her. Never stop yourself from giving the help you can do for your friends. A good friend, a good human being never is always a taker. He never stops himself from giving away the help he can do for others.

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