How Important Is Listening

Posted on 30 July
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Don’t you wish to have someone in your life who listens to you without any interruption? Everyone needs such a person. It’s a quality everyone should have. Listening to someone deeply means you respect that person, you care about that person, you are interested in what he/she is going to say. Check out how important is listening to others.

No life becomes meaningful without having strong relationships. Listening to each other is one important habit to build strong relationships. But it’s so rare to find people with deep listening power today. 

One thing is very hard to accept is that everyone is superior in some way. Most people can’t see this way because they judge others easily. It takes time to understand someone fully. One may not have the skillset you have. At the same time he/she may be far more experienced and knowledgeable in another field. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior.  Everyone is special and important in their own way. 


When you have the power to see others in this perspective you automatically start to respect others. When you have respect for others you will listen to them automatically. By seeking what in others to give them respect you are actually wasting your own chance to express your good side. Would you lose anything by respecting everyone you come across your life? No.

By listening to your family, your friends or your colleagues you won’t lose anything. Sometimes people need someone who listens to them for a minute and to hear some good words to feel relieved. Everyone can give that feeling without losing anything.


It’s through meaningful conversation we get to know others. People always need someone with whom they can share what is going on within their life - both happy events and problems. Everyone needs suggestions, guidance, advice, encouragement, praises to lead a meaningful life. All these can’t be possible without deep meaningful conversations. 

The base of a meaningful conversation is deep listening itself. Both people shu I’d have the interest to listen to each other. The urge for interruption happens only when you have no interest in listening but only to talk. How long can such a conversation last? More importantly such conversations can’t be meaningful and never solve anything. 


To make any conversation meaningful you should listen to others without any interruption. Why is interrupting you gain nothing? By listening deeply you will receive countless blessings. When others find that you have that deep listening power they will automatically start love and trust you. Deep trust from others is a rare thing in today’s world. Nothing is as important as trust.

By listening you always learn new things. You could understand people easily - both positive and negative things. In that way you can help others and learn from them at the same time. As you know, learning from one and another is the way how this world progresses. Your life is no different from one another by respecting one another. Listening to others is the best way to show respect and to build strong relations to learn from others in your life.

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