How To Stop Worrying About What Others Will Think

Posted on 30 June
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It’s a fear that is common in all of our characters - what people will say. From childhood onwards we have been conditioning to follow the crowd. Deep inside we are something else. When humans can’t be their true self they can’t enjoy the true joy of life. To be your true self you should stop concern about the opinion of others. Check out how to stop worrying about what others will think.

A small child can’t grow well without love and care. But one thing that every parent should understand is that the biggest gift you can give your child is the freedom to be himself/herself. Then inky your child could make his/her own decision courageously. The ability to make decisions for yourself without the fear of what others will say is the way to lead a meaningful life.


We all know not few people have the character to not stop others from being themselves. We fear if we don’t follow the crowd we won’t have anyone in our life. It’s this fear that leads most people. To get the attention and love from others we start to follow others blindly. We take their opinion without questioning. By doing so we are wasting our own peace of mind and valuable time.

Would you take diet advice from an unhealthy man? Or financial advice from a broken man? If your answer is now why do you blindly follow the opinion of others? Only you know what your Inder desires are, only know what you are and what you are not. In that way nobody else can make better decisions for yourself. If you can clearly define what you and what you are not your life becomes much easier.


People can only give advice or opinion form their own experience. There is no sense in believing if one can’t do something others can’t. Because the level of commitment, wil, power and dedication of each person is different. In that way you shouldn’t choose the path set by others, you should choose the path that is right for you.

Yes, there are always people who try to drag you behind with their senseless opinion. But remember one thing if the whole world says only good things about you and you don’t believe that you can’t be happy. At the same time when you believe in yourself even after the whole world stands against you nothing will affect you. That’s the power of self belief, that’s the power of self respect. More importantly it’s not the opinion of people but the opinion you have about yourself that only matters. 

How long can people belittle a person who makes constant progress in his life? To make constant progress in life one should know himself deeply. He should be aware of the fact that it’s the opinion he has about himself that matter more than opinion of others. 

As we said earlier the no.1 reason people choose to blindly follow others because of the fear of being alone. But deep inside everyone loves to follow who clearly know how to lead a meaningful life. If you know how to find happiness within yourself and lead a meaningful life people automatically want to be with you. At the same time when you blindly follow others and face failures after failures nobody wants to be with you.

Accept this fact without fail in your life the most important person is nobody but yourself. What kind of opinion you have about yourself matters more than anybody else's opinion. When you keep a strong self image about yourself and don’t blindly follow others to make life decisions your life becomes so much easier. 

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