The Biggest Red Flags to Look Out For Before Getting Married

Posted on 28 February
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One of the most important decisions we make in life as individuals is to choose a life partner. The significance of this very choice can’t be stated enough, as it deeply influences many aspects of our lives, such as health, happiness and growth. 
Should you have the good fortune to find one, they will transcend our expectations of romantic partners. They will be your companions, confidants, and co-pilots as you face the highs and lows of life together.
On the contrary, failing to move out of the wrong relationship before marriage can potentially later lead to emotional turmoil, stunted personal growth and a life of discontent.  Therefore, the best course of action is to end an unhealthy relationship as soon as possible if you find yourself trapped in one.
Here’s your guide to navigating the biggest red flags in a relationship.

15 Critical Red Flags to Look for in a Potential Partner Before Marriage

We understand that you desire a lovely marriage. But just because you’ve been dreaming of a happy ending doesn’t mean you put up with anything that you are uncomfortable with. It is wise to be aware of the red flags of an unhappy marriage before you commit.
Here is a rundown of the major red flags to keep an eye out for in a prospective spouse before taking your marital vows. To put it plainly,! You cannot have a happy ending if you turn a blind eye to any of the below-mentioned red flags in your relationship.

1. Your Partner is Unpredictable or Immature

As we speak of the main red flags to consider before getting married, it is paramount that we discuss the maturity level. Just for clarity, you must acknowledge that age doesn’t necessarily have much to do with maturity. Pay close attention to your partner's level of maturity at different stages and aspects, such as emotional situations and basic skills.
The emotional quotient of your partner matters a great deal in defining one of the biggest red flags. An unpredictable partner often exhibits erratic behaviour, which makes it challenging to establish routines and a real connection. It makes it hard for you to rely on them for consistency in your relationships. 
One of the biggest red flags in men is their emotional immaturity, which can cause marital dynamics to be unstable and foster an atmosphere of insecurity. 

2. Poor Communication

In the long run, a lack of proper and constant communication can result in emotional distance between partners, making them feel disconnected and isolated from one another. Poor communication often leads to misunderstandings between partners, as messages may be unclear, misinterpreted, or not conveyed effectively.

Over time, unresolved issues stemming from poor communication can breed resentment between partners and, altogether, result in a toxic relationship. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you both have to agree; in fact, sometimes you can agree to disagree. However, both of you must have a solid understanding of how to communicate with each other.

3. Constant Dishonesty or Lack of Transparency in Personal Matters

If you realise that your partner lies about things or is constantly dishonest, please be hypervigilant; that's an evident red flag in your relationship. It doesn't matter if they're dishonest about small or big things. There can never be a good enough reason to justify dishonesty.

If you feel like they are hiding something by not being transparent in personal and financial matters, step up for yourself. You are counting on them to be your partner for life, and how can it work if they can’t be completely honest with you?

Read our Blog on How to Find My Life Partner?

4. Hidden Debts or Financial Irresponsibility

Companionship involves providing support and being present for one another in all circumstances. To form such a connection, you must also be financially transparent. And if either of you are hiding your debts or being financially irresponsible, it will undoubtedly have an adverse impact on both of your shared futures.
Having debt is still understandable but hiding it or denying financial responsibilities in front of your potential partner is a major red flag.

5. Feel Intense Fear to Engage in Difficult Conversations

Having the most difficult conversations with your partner is what makes your bond unbreakable and unshakeable. But if either of you tends to run from difficult conversations, be it absolutely anything, that is one of the biggest red flags you can find in your partner.
Running away from difficult situations and conversations is a clear sign of not taking responsibility for others' emotions. The conversation can be about anything important to one of you, and if the other refuses to address it, this is your cue. It also clearly states that the person is capable of taking accountability for his actions.

6. Huge Differences in Beliefs and Values Related to Family, Religion, or Lifestyle

Many people mistakenly believe that opposites attract. Yes, being opposite can be good at times, but not in the very core beliefs. If you're too different in your core values, religion, lifestyle, beliefs, etc., what you feel right now may just be an attraction. If you’re not compatible in your core values, thoughts and perceptions, you might not be a good match, which is a great red flag in your relationship.
Somewhere, you have to be similar in your ideologies or thought processes to be able to hold on to each other for the long term.

7. Lack of Respect for Each Other’s Opinions, Boundaries or Personal Space

You may be poles apart, but at the end of the day, it's not just love that holds you together but respect. Everyone is different in some way or another, but that’s fine until you can respect your partner’s differences. It is fine to have different opinions, perspectives and thoughts, but your partner should be able to understand and respect them.
They should be especially able to respect your choices, opinions, boundaries, and space if you’re to choose them as your partner for life. It should be undeniably mutual.

8. Your Partner Shows Signs of Being Violent

Families play a crucial role in your life, and there is no denying that. Yet if your partner is allowing them to interfere with your relationship or make decisions that you both should be making, it is a clear red flag. An unhealthy dependence on either family can prove to be very disruptive to your marital bond.
Hence, the independence of your partner is something that you should consider through and through. Be it financially, emotionally or intellectually, independence and self-sufficiency are non-negotiable facts when it comes to choosing a partner.

Read our Blog on Questions to Ask Before an Arranged Marriage

9. No Social Presence

Beware Yet another major red flag is that your partner does not have a social circle of their own. And if you see them sneaking up and jumpy about sharing stuff, keep an eye out for you might find an underlying fact or a not-so-understandable past.

10. Lack of Boundaries with Family Members

Families play a crucial role in your life, and there is no denying that. However, if your partner allows them to interfere with your relationship or make decisions that you both should be making, it is a loud and clear red flag. An unhealthy dependence on either family can prove to be very disruptive to your marital bond.
Hence, the independence of your partner is something that you should consider through and through. Independence and self-sufficiency are unnegotiable facts when it comes to choosing a partner, be it financially, emotionally, or intellectually.

11. His or Her Untrustworthy Past

Trust is the very essence of a happy married life, and it's not something you can simply hand over to the other person. Sharing your authentic self is the most basic way to earn the trust of your partner. If either of you hesitates to share the past, it's likely a sign of either a lack of trust in you or their untrustworthiness, which is a red flag for your relationship.

12. Too much ‘me’.

Individual identities undeniably matter a great deal in marriages. But marriage is as much about togetherness as about individual identities. A too self-obsessed person can never serve as a good life partner, which is one of the biggest red flags in your relationship. In a marriage, both of you must be capable enough to balance out the ‘me’ and ‘we’.
Be wary of partners who are less interested in you and keep talking about themselves. If your to-be partner is all about themselves,  emphasises themselves, and their choices, and seems less interested in yours, please immediately acknowledge it as a red flag.

13. Friends and Family Disapprove

If your friends and family disapprove of your partner, acknowledge it as a red flag. There is a high probability that they see traits in you that might not be okay soon. The ultimate decision is undoubtedly yours to make, but do pay close attention to what your family and friends think of your partner.

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14. You have to Fight for Your Rights

Your partner has to understand your needs, sometimes without you even saying it. But if you feel like you have to fight even for your basic rights and always engage in arguments to be understood, it is a clear sign that he or she may not be the right partner for you, which is a big red flag. You deserve to get it without having to fight for it.

15. You Are Always Tensed or Sad

One of the main red flags you may encounter in a relationship is when you are constantly unhappy. If you always seem to be stressed and sad thinking about your partner or your relationship with them, it’s a clear sign that something about them troubles you.

Red Flags in A Relationship Need to Be Addressed 

If you experience any of the above-mentioned red flags, it is paramount that you address them right away. And if they choose not to acknowledge it or address it with you, that may be your cue to walk out.

Even if, at some point, you feel like you can’t make it work with your partner, it’s completely alright to choose to let go. If you must, part ways for both of your sakes. If you notice any or most of these red flags in your partner before marriage, it's time to make a decision.

We understand the importance of finding the right life partner as well as the critical necessity of disentangling oneself from a detrimental relationship before entering the sacred bond of marriage. Give yourself time to think and decide, or seek help if need be. 

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