Why Being Grateful Is Important In Life

Posted on 23 July
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When I have this I will be happy...When I have that I will be happy. Most of us are always waiting for the perfect moment to be happy in life. But this mentality actually steals our opportunity to be happy in this present moment. How often do we think about what blessings we have? Are we really grateful for all those blessings we have? Check out why being grateful is important in life.

The reason behind we can’t find satisfaction in the things we have is comparison. We never stop comparing our life with others. That’s why we always want more. We actually spend a small percentage of time thinking about what we already have and how blessed we are. 


Comparison never brings true freedom, happiness and satisfaction in life. The awareness of who you really are and what you really are out of life is what brings true joy of life. To sense that you should accept the fact that you are unique. Your character, your perspective, passions, likes and dislikes are totally different from others. Your uniqueness is what makes you who you really are. When you accept this, when you have this self understanding everything becomes so much easier in life. 

As we discussed when you can define what you are and what you are not by accepting your uniqueness you will get a clear idea about all blessings you have. What all values, habits, skills and passions that make you who you are. When you have this understanding you will immediately stop comparing your life with others. Only thing you think about is all those blessings you have. 


If you have a house, a family, a job and food to eat you are so blessed than millions of people in the world. Just imagine when you wake up every morning with this realization and you are always grateful for all things you have, would you again wait for that perfect moment to be happy? No. 

Being aware of what you have - not just material things and family - also the values, skills and passion you have is so important in life to be happy. When you have this awareness and are proud and grateful for all blessings you have, never again you compare yourself with others, never again you run after wrong things. 

Most people only realize the value of the things they have after they lose it. To be alive and walk on this beautiful planet itself is a great blessing. Just imagine if you develop a habit of counting all the blessings you have every single day how much happier you become. 

There is nothing wrong with having a desire to achieve something. But greed and being unaware of the good things you have is a great problem. By doing so you are actually blocking a great opportunity to be happy and peaceful in life. When your habits become a problem in your life it’s a great problem. Take responsibility and change it. 

Being ungrateful is the number one thing that blocks happiness. Make it as a habit to list all the things you are grateful for every single day. Be aware of what makes you who you really are and be grateful for that. 

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