Why Self Understanding Is The Key To Lead A Meaningful Life

Posted on 23 June
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From relationship to profession to other life choices we wonder how some people always manage to make right decisions. Why do their choices always work well? It’s not some kind of magic. They can do so because they know what they are and what they are not, what they can do and what they can’t. Simpler they know themselves well. Let’s check out why self understanding is the key to lead a meaningful life. 

Since childhood all have been conditioning to follow the crowd. Be like him or her is the word he heard the most and still we do. We buy things we actually don’t want, we do the work we don’t enjoy and we have been to relations that are not meaningful. Do you know why this happens? Because we make most choices not because we actually want to p, we make them because everyone else is doing it.  By doing so you fail to know yourself well. That’s why you fail to make wise choices in life. 


There are no two people in this world with the same personality, same passions and same dreams. Every single person in this world is unique. Everyone has unique desires and dreams. Actually that’s the true beauty of humanity. But most of us fail to understand that fact. ‘Follow your dreams’ is something that you have been hearing since childhood. But most can't do that because instead of following the dreams we follow the crowd. Instead of respecting our inner desires we choose to follow others' opinions. 

The frustration and dissatisfaction  comes when you do something that you don’t actually love. But when you choose to do something you love you won’t feel tired, you won't feel frustration. If that’s the case why don’t we choose only the things we love? Why don’t we choose only the things that are meaningful to us? Why don’t we choose to live our unique life? Yes it takes so much courage to choose to lead a life in your own way. But it’s the life that actually matters. 


A meaningful, satisfying life belongs to those who learn to follow their heart. Most of us don’t have that level of confidence and courage to lead a unique life because we are afraid we may lose people if we don’t follow their rules. See, in a true relationship something that helps you to grow constantly. A true relationship never drags you behind. It always helps you to grow, always gives constant support. People who give attention only when you behave in the way they like are not people you want to hangout with. They don’t deserve a place in your heart. 

You can only enjoy the true joy of life when you start making right choices for your life. You should start making decisions by yourself. It should start in small, small things. Then only you will manage to make big decisions in the right way. When you start making decisions by yourself you could eliminate everything you are not. When you leave this burden behind your life becomes so much easier. 

It’s not following the crowd but following your own heart what makes your life beautiful and meaningful. It’s the only way you can excel in your life. It’s the only way to lead a satisfying, meaningful life. 

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