October 5, 2024

Malayali Marriage and Its Ceremonies

Malayali marriages, rooted in Kerala's rich culture and traditions, are known for their simplicity, elegance, and deep cultural significance. Most Malayali marriages follow Hindu customs, but Christian and Muslim communities in Kerala have distinct wedding rituals as well. Malayali marriages, while varying by religion, all share a common theme of deep-rooted cultural values, respect for traditions, and family bonding.


Pre-Wedding Rituals:

Muhurtham : The families consult an astrologer to fix the most auspicious time and date for the wedding, known as the "Muhurtham." The alignment of the stars and planets plays a key role in setting the date.

Nischayam : The engagement ceremony is usually a simple affair where the families exchange gifts and formally announce the marriage. Traditionally, the bride and groom may exchange rings, and this ceremony is considered a formal acceptance of the alliance.

Wedding Day Rituals:

Kalyanam : The wedding ceremony typically takes place in a temple, a family home, or a marriage hall. It is a brief but deeply symbolic affair.

Arrival of the Groom: The groom, dressed in traditional white "mundu" and shirt, arrives at the wedding venue, often accompanied by music and his family.

Welcoming the Groom: The bride's family welcomes the groom with traditional customs, like washing his feet. Sometimes, there’s an exchange of gifts between the families.

Mandapam Ceremony: The main wedding ritual takes place under a "mandapam." Invoking the blessings of the gods and ancestors, a priest says prayers. In order to symbolize their unity, the bride and groom exchange Mala Matral, and the groom ties the bride's neck with the sacred thread . The foundation of the marriage is this act.

Kanyadaanam: The father of the bride gives her hand in marriage to the groom, symbolizing the transfer of responsibility. The groom promises to take care of the bride throughout their life together.

Saptapadi : In some communities, the couple takes seven steps together around the sacred fire, symbolizing their journey together through life's joys and challenges.

Pradakshinam: The couple circles the mandapam, seeking blessings from the elders present.


Post-Wedding Rituals:

Grihapravesham : After the wedding, the bride is welcomed into the groom’s house with rituals that mark her acceptance into the new family. She often carries a lit lamp symbolizing the light and prosperity she brings to her new home.

Sadhya : A grand traditional Kerala meal, known as "Sadhya," is served on banana leaves to the guests. This meal is an essential part of the wedding, often consisting of a variety of vegetarian dishes, rice, and payasam

Christian and Muslim Malayali Weddings:

  • Christian Malayali Wedding: Christian marriages in Kerala often take place in a church with a traditional white gown for the bride and a suit for the groom. The ceremony involves blessings, exchange of rings, and prayers, followed by a reception.


  • Muslim Malayali Wedding: Muslim marriages in Kerala include a religious sermon, the recitation of the Quran, and a formal marriage contract . The bride and groom exchange vows, and a reception follows.
