Why Giving Respect Is Important In Relationships

Posted on 27 May
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Do you believe a strong relationship is possible without keeping respect for each other? No. It’s understandable. But not everyone lives with that awareness. Without valuing someone, without having a genuine respect for that person a strong meaningful relation is just impossible. Let's check why giving respect is important in relationships.

Why Showing Respect Is Important

First of all respect is the value we attach to someone. But in our society there exists a habit of giving respect to people who have authority and power. This is a completely wrong belief to have. Of course people who reached honourable positions in society did not reach there in a day. They deserve so much respect and admiration. But the habit of respecting only such powerful people is a bad habit. Do you believe people value a person with that mentality? No.

Respect is not something that should be given only to people with a certain level of talents. Everyone deserves respect as a human. You and your neighbour have different perspectives about life, you two may have nothing in common in your personalities. But that doesn’t mean he is inferior. He has just a different personality than yours. Accepting that difference itself is a sign of self-respect.


Do you see the habit of disrespecting others as a person who has strong relations? No. How can anyone like a person who has a habit of belittling or disrespecting others? One may not have extraordinary talents but if he has compassion, kindness, respect for others, honesty….the positive human values people automatically want to befriend with that person. More than the talent it’s the positive values one has that make him lovable. In those values respect is the unavoidable one to have strong relationships.

How To Show Respect

As we discussed earlier each person has the right to live in his own way. The mind to accept the difference itself is an act of showing respect. It helps you to stand away from judging and criticising others. There is nothing as beautiful as being different. It’s the uniqueness that create this world truly a wonderful place to live.

When you accept this fact the habit of controlling or forcing others also goes away from your character. Controlling or forcing others to do something won’t work for long. People can only show excellence in the things they love to do. Letting others choose what they love to do is what self-respecting people do. Those who with that mentality automatically get respect from others.

When you start applying this habit - letting others be themselves and help them to choose their unique path you become a great source of inspiration for those people. How can anyone dislike such a person? On the other hand what if you have a habit of controlling and forcing others?

Listening to others seriously is as important as accepting the uniqueness of others. Especially in this fast paced world to have someone who gives undivided attention and listen carefully is a great blessing. Listening to others carefully means you value that person, you love that person.

See, accepting others as who they are, not controlling or forcing others, listen to others carefully, valuing their suggestions, giving appreciation and showing gratitude…every single gesture that expresses the value of respect comes naturally to you when you accept the fact that everyone deserves respect. Don’t ever forget showing respect for others without thinking whether they deserve it or not is an act showing self-respect itself.

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