Top Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

Posted on 19 April
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"Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning." – Paulo Coelho

Does your heart skip a beat when you think about them? Feel a bunch of butterflies when you meet that one person? Do they occupy your mind constantly? Yet, unsure if they're your soulmate? Worry not! Let us assist you in discerning whether he or she is the one for you by checking the below soulmate signs.

Discovering your soulmate is considered one of the most profound and remarkable experiences. Finding your soulmate is often explained as a magical connection, an intuitive understanding, and a feeling of wholeness that goes beyond the ordinary.

But how can you be certain that you have encountered your soulmate? In this blog from Nest Matrimony, we will delve into the identifiable soulmate signs that help you identify when you have stumbled upon your soulmate.

Soulmate signs
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What is a Soulmate?

You might have come across the word many times. But do you know what exactly a soulmate is? According to the Oxford Dictionary, a soulmate is “a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.”

Soulmates are more than romantic partners. They are someone with whom you share a deep connection on a spiritual, emotional, and intellectual level. Your soulmate is someone who understands you in many ways that others cannot, and who supports you unconditionally throughout life’s journey.

However, there arises a question: Are soulmates real? This is based on the thought of whether souls are real, which is up for debate. But even if you don’t believe in the idea of soul, there is no denying there are people you just connect with, on a deeper level than others. Also, soulmates aren’t always romantic; they can be your best friends or pets.

What is a Soulmate?
Pic Courtesy: Pexels

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How Do You Know If You Have Found ‘The One’?

Discovering your soulmate is like finding the long-lost missing piece of life’s puzzle. There are many soulmate signs, hidden and obvious, that emerge when you have crossed paths with someone exceptional, someone fated to journey through life alongside you. Here are some unmistakable clues that you have discovered your soulmate: 

1. You Feel Like You’ve Always Known Them

Meeting your soulmate doesn’t feel like the first time. You will have a feeling that you have known them for ages, even if you’ve only just met them.  There would be a sense of familiarity and comfort that goes beyond everything. There exists an unspoken bond that makes you think of whether you've crossed paths in a different era.

2. You Felt an Instant Connection 

From the moment you meet them, there is an instant connection and an undeniable spark between you both that can’t be ignored. You experience deja vu when you are together.

3. You’re Best Friends

One of the biggest soulmate signs is that your soulmate feels like your best friend. You can share anything and everything with them. They simply get you as no one has before. Your bond will be built on a strong foundation of friendship.

soulmate sign
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4. You Feel at Home With This Person

Being with your soulmate feels like discovering a sense of belonging within another person. It extends beyond mere comfort; it's about being wholly embraced for your true self. Their presence exudes warmth and security. You can share your innermost thoughts without fear of criticism or dismissal. Their presence feels like returning home.

5. You Recognise Each Other’s Souls

There is a deep understanding between you and your soulmate that goes beyond words. It’s as if you can see into each other’s souls and recognise the essence of who they are.

6. Your Love For Each Other is Unconditional

No matter what, you both love each other unconditionally and your love knows no bounds. You accept each other fully and are ok with their flaws and everything.

7. You Have a Sense of Purpose with Them

With your soulmate by your side, you feel like you’re meant to achieve something meaningful together. You will have a shared sense of purpose and direction in life. It is not just about your achievements; it's about growing together and shaping a shared existence that resonates with both your aspirations.

8. You Have an Empathic Connection with Each Other

Their emotions and feelings affect you to the extent that their failures and distress upset you and share their happiness. No one will be more proud of your soulmate’s achievements than you.

signs of soulmate
Pic Courtesy: Pexels

9. You Respect Each Other

Respect makes the foundation of your relationship. You value each other’s opinions, and boundaries, and will consider them before making a big decision. You care about their feelings and ideas — not disregard them.

10. Your Tastes and Interests are Very Compatible

While you may not share all the same interests, you will have enough in common to enjoy each other’s company and support each other’s aspirations. Beyond these common interests, it’s the understanding that you are on the same wavelength. You can finish each other’s thoughts and sentences. Soulmates bring out the best in each other.

11. You Balance Each Other Out

You complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, creating a balance in your relationship. You will have intuitions and abilities to understand and support each other’s needs. Your bonding will be built on mutual respect, support, and love.

12. You Agree About the Important Things

While you both may have different opinions and ideologies, you share core values and beliefs that align. While deciding what TV show to watch together may pose a challenge, when it comes to crucial things in life, you are on the same page.

13. You Have an Intense Eye Contact

The eye contact feels like a telepathic connection. You don’t need words to speak — everything is conveyed through eye contact. Looking into their eyes can bring you a certain amount of peace and connection.

14. You Heal Each Other

Your soulmate will be your greatest source of strength. They will be there to celebrate your victories while being there for you in your darkest moments. You both learn and grow together, from each other’s experiences, creating a space for personal development. They have the unique ability to heal your emotional wounds and help you become the best version of yourself.

15. You Both Have an Undeniable Chemistry

You can’t deny the fact that there is a magnetic pull between you and your soulmate that draws you together. It's not just the physical chemistry and the sense of an electric connection, but also the chemistry and compatibility at the emotional and intellectual levels.

signs he's your soulmate
Pic Courtesy: Pexels

16. You Feel Physically Drawn to Each Other

It's a prevailing fact that romantic soulmates will often feel a deep physical longing for each other. There will be a physical attraction that goes beyond mere chemistry. The physical dimension of a relationship holds significance, and at times, you may find yourselves irresistibly drawn to each other, yet always mindful and respectful of each other's boundaries.

17. You Challenge Each Other

Your soulmate pushes you to grow and evolve, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and reach your full potential. You are each other’s biggest inspirations and encouragers.

18. You Can Be Yourself

One of the biggest signs he/she is your soulmate is that you can be yourself around them, without pretending, because they accept you for who you are. They won’t be judgemental or don't say or do anything that makes you feel bad about yourself. They, without any hesitation, will accept every facet of yours.

19. You Understand Each Other’s Emotions

You have a deep understanding of each other’s emotional needs and know how to communicate effectively to meet them. It feels like you can read their mind. You can even read their facial expressions and understand how they are feeling.

20. You Fight for the Relationship

When facing challenges, you and your soulmate are committed to working through them together and fighting for your relationship. You are ready to do whatever it takes to save the relationship. You talk out the issues, compromising with each other.

21. You’re There for Each Other

Whatever you are experiencing, you and your soulmate will be there for each other, offering unconditional support and comfort. When you are having a tough time, you know whom to count on.

22. You Feel Secure Being in the Relationship

You feel secure about the relationship even when you are not together. Obviously, you will miss each other, but you are not worried about what they are doing, or where they are.

signs you found your soulmate
Pic Courtesy: Pexels

23. You Just Want to Be Around Each Other

Being apart, even for a while, feels like missing a part of yourself. You genuinely enjoy each other’s company and look forward to spending time with each other. You can sit silently and still enjoy the comfort.

24. Your Friends and Family Get Along

A good sign you are with the right person is that your friends and family get along with them well. You will be happy to see your loved ones being comfortable with your soulmate, just like he/she is one of them, wholeheartedly supporting your relationship.

25. You Are Happy

Did you notice that you are happy and smiling all the time since you started the relationship? If yes, then it is a sign that they are the one for you. You are in a good mood because they bring happiness to your life.

26. You Have No Doubt

You don’t doubt them or distrust them. You have complete faith in them and have no worries that they will leave you. There is no room for doubt because trust is the binding force in your relationship.

27. Your Relationship Has No Drama

Your relationship seems easy because there isn’t drama or fights in it. It doesn’t mean that there are no disagreements or fights, but when you do, you can resolve it smoothly.

28. They Are Your Priority

You put them above everyone and they are your first priority. Their happiness and well-being are important to you, even more than your happiness.

signs you found your soulmate
Pic Courtesy: Pexels

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How to Know If They Aren’t Your Soulmate

While speaking about soulmate signs, it is also important to be aware of the indicators that you are in a wrong relationship and they aren’t your soulmate. Here are some of the soulmate signs that he/she is not the one for you:

  • No matter how much you try, you can’t trust them
  • You lack good communication with each other
  • You just don’t connect at a deep emotional level
  • You feel uncomfortable around them
  • You lack a shared vision and common values that keep the relationship going
  • You don’t enjoy their company
  • The sense of fun seems to disappear after the honeymoon phase
  • They don’t make you feel worthy of yourself, and you don’t feel confidence
  • They don’t introduce you to a better life or enhance your life in any dimension
  • You are opposite of each other and incompatible
  • You will have a strong gut feeling about reconsidering the decision to be with them
  • You can’t vision a long-term relationship, or plan your future with them
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signs you found your soulmate
Pic Courtesy: Pexels

Discover Your Soulmate From the Best Matrimony in Kerala

Discovering your soulmate is definitely one of the most exciting and profound moments in life. Recognising the signs of extraordinary connections between the souls can help you handle your relationship with confidence and clarity. Whether you’ve already found your soulmate, or are still searching, keep in mind that true love is always worth the wait and the effort.

For those still seeking their soulmate, let us provide you with the best matches. Find your soulmate for not just this life but for the seven lifetimes online, with Kerala’s #1 matrimony site, Nest Matrimony. We offer personalised matchmaking services to help you find the perfect match and embark on a journey to happily ever after. With Nest Matrimony's assistance, finding your soulmate has never been simpler. Join us today and begin your journey to finding your perfect match!

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