How To Find Happiness Within

Posted on 18 June
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Who don’t want to be happy in life? Humans desired nothing more than that feeling. But our mentality of if I have this and that never brings everlasting happiness. More clearly of your happiness is anything outside you can’t really tell how long it last, it can be lost or change at anytime. But if the source of your happiness comes from within no outside event or people can take it away from you. Let’s check how to find happiness within.

We all know that our society is so obsessed with the material world. We buy things we don’t actually want, we do the work we don’t actually enjoy and stay with people whom we don’t really love. All these mistakes happen in our life because of the wrong perspective about happiness. We believe external things and other people are a source of happiness. It’s completely wrong. 


Within our society it’s easy to find miserable millionaires and poor happy people. We know many people who have everything but are still unhappy. So it’s not about what you have in possession but the mindset is what defines happiness. In the midst of all luxuries and comfort a man could be extremely unhappy if he doesn't have a grateful mindset. Being aware of what all habits and beliefs that bring you everything you want is the right way to be happy in life. 

See, when you set a goal in your life and you show exceptional commitment in planning and executing it what would you feel about yourself? Pride, confidence, courage and happiness. For the next time would you fear to aim for higher? Because the previous experience could give you enough confidence to aim for higher next time. So it’s not the result but the path you take what really matters. 


Here, you take a path that leads to increment of your capability, confidence and self esteem. It all happens because you work on yourself. The path for happiness is not different. You should work on yourself to achieve everlasting happiness. You must be aware of what all good qualities and habits you have that always bring you happiness and satisfaction. For example if you are honest no matter where you are going, no matter whom you are with you always get appreciated and values for having that quality. 

The appreciation you get here is a byproduct. Honesty is the quality that brings you that appreciation. Bring aware of the distance of that quality which always makes you happy. In the same way money, fame, position, power….everything most people aim for are just byproducts. If you have the deep desire, absolute faith, commitment and dedication you could achieve anything. But more than the result it’s these qualities that are going to bring you what you want. 

Anything outside of you can be changed or even disappear any time. If you label these things as the source of happiness it could be a terrible, destructive thinking. At same time, if you are wise enough to not put happiness on end results but on qualities and values that help you to achieve what you desire your happiness will remain forever.

All the things you possess can be destroyed or taken away. But all the good habits, values and skills you have can’t be taken away by anybody else in the world. That’s why innerworld is more important than the world. Your good values and habits are the most trustworthy source of happiness in the world. From relationships to skill to job positions it’s those qualities what bring you everything truly meaningful to your life. So be aware of what qualities and habits that make you who you really are. Put your source of happiness on those qualities. Then you could be happy always regardless of outside events and people.

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