You can’t find so many people who treat others equality with respect and love. Such people are so rare in this world. What blocks us from treating others' equality? Nothing but our ego, our sense of our own worth. Most of us behave with this superego and still we complain that we don’t have string relations. Let’s check out how ego will destroy the relations
As we said earlier our sense of our own worth is called ego. We form our identity based on our qualification, job position, bank balance, influence in the society...etc. We don’t stop there; we compare others with this identity and inky value people who match up with that identity.
Once this mentality is formed you will start to treat others with it. No matter whether they are your family members, relatives, friends or colleagues. Could you really expect genuine love and respect in return if you treat people with such ego? To get respect you must give respect, to get love you must give love. It’s as simple as that.
There is nothing wrong with striving for greatness. A reputed job position, a degree from a famous university never comes easily. It takes so much dedication, commitment and hard work to achieve such things. Be proud of yourself. But don’t use it to define you. Don’t ever think people who don’t have that level of qualification and status are lesser than you. That’s a very wrong belief.
Each person has different dreams and desires. Not everyone looking for a corporate job. Not everyone can achieve top level education. Still everyone matters in this world. When it comes to relationships it’s not the job position or qualification you have that define the quality of your relationship. It’s the mutual respect and love keep for each other that matters.
To get love you should have a lovable character. Nobody can love or respect a person who has a super ego. How can you truly love a person who treats you like nothing. So ego is a thing that should be avoided from your life to be lovable, to build strong meaningful relationships.
If your presence can make a person comfortable and happy there is nothing more valuable than that. It won’t happen overnight. To have such a special moment you must have a character to treat others with respect, have a genuine desire to see happiness and growth in others. See, the satisfaction that comes to those who help and support others is always far greater than satisfaction goes to those who receive it.
In life you play many roles as a person. A son, daughter, love, husband, wife, father, mother..etc. It’s extremely hard to keep a different mindset for different roles. At same time when you build a mentality to treat everyone with respect and love regardless of who they are, love and respect will come automatically to your life. No human can ignore genuine love and respect.
Like you must be skilled to get a reputed job position you must be lovable to get genuine love in return. Ego never ever helps you to get genuine love and respect. That’s why it’s the no 1 enemy you should avoid from your life.