How To Build Lasting Relationships

Posted on 15 November
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As you know humans are social creatures. We can't live without others. In each one of us there is a deep desire for strong, lasting relationships. But a very few manage to keep such beautiful relationships. Check out how to build lasting relationships.

I don't have time for anything is the common sentence you hear from most people. Only few can understand the difference between being busy and being productive. Funny enough most of us even don't have time to spend with our family. Isn't that true? Then how can we expect lasting relationships in our life?


Yes there are countless services to connect with whoever you want to. But no services ever could match the satisfaction and feeling get from the real, face to face communication. All those emoticons or likes can't match the magic of showing gratitude, empathy, appreciation, care or encouragement in face to face communication. The time you spare for someone to uplifting his/her spirit is the best gift you could ever give. 

There is no sense in expecting strong relationships if you can't find time to spend with others. When you talk with someone face to face you know how they feel about you. More than the words their body language tells more about what they have in mind. That's the magic of face to face communication.

So when you really want someone as a part of your life there is no better way to build a strong relationship with that person than spending quality time. 


See, a lot of people see each other on a daily basis. But the communication between them is totally meaningless. Spending quality time with someone means you really give full attention to them. Just seeing face to face isn't enough. If you are on your phone while you are talking with someone, that's a problem. There is no better way to express love and respect than giving your full attention to someone.

People have different things to say about - their achievements, their problems, their dreams, their passions..etc. When someone shows deep interest in what they are saying naturally a bond starts to develop between them. 

You don't lose anything by giving full attention to someone. If they discuss their problem you could help them to find solutions, if they discuss their dreams or achievements you could appreciate and encourage them. In all these cases you don't lose anything. All that's needed is a positive mind. A mind that cares about others, a mind that finds no excuse to find time to spend with others.

See, when you do this people definitely show interest in being a part of your life. Nobody can keep away someone who really cares, someone who finds no excuses in sharing their valuable time. That's how strong, meaningful lasting relationships are built.

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