Successful Relationship Tips: How to Lead a Happy Marriage?

Posted on 4 November
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Human beings can seldom live in isolation, as it is instinctive to have someone to spend one’s life with. Imagine having someone by your side who stands through thick and thin; celebrates the best moments and comforts you through life's challenges. In other words, a constant companion who never fails to see the good in you, who understands, respects, and believes in you. Building and maintaining such a bond requires ongoing effort and commitment.

Happy relationships require a consistent effort from either side to thrive in the long run. Couples often run through their thoughts a thousand times before stepping into the next phase of their relationship, i.e., marriage. If you are at that point in life where you truly wish to make that special person a part of your life, we’ve gathered some real advice chiselled from the lives of most happy couples. Let’s see the do’s and don'ts in a relationship, some tips on a successful marriage, and explore what it takes to build a happy married life. 

What Are the Most Important Factors in a Marriage? 

Those disappointed in marriages often view happy relationships as nonexistent rather than finding out what went wrong in their lives. Finding the fault becomes easier when you explore the foundation for a happy relationship. Putting in the right ingredients makes marriage a perfect recipe based on love and understanding. To understand that, let’s first look at the most important aspects of a happy marriage. 


A meaningful relationship is always a mile away unless you and your partner engage in deep, open communication. Feelings, emotions, or desires—whatever your heart speaks of, express them openly with your partner. Being a good speaker and a patient listener simultaneously is a highly essential quality in every relationship. It undoubtedly solves a plethora of problems in a marriage. Moreover, being honest in your words builds trust, understanding, and a sense of reliability in each other, crafting an unseen bond that connects your hearts. 


While preaching the importance of love in marriage, most people often undermine the role of mutual respect in relationships. Valuing each other’s feelings, preferences, and individuality is what forms a beautiful chemistry between two people. Together, they form a couple, but ultimately, they are two distinct individuals with unique qualities. While love is what binds two people together, mutual respect is what strengthens the relationship. Respecting your partner’s individuality and uniqueness makes your marriage more meaningful and deeply rooted in genuine emotions. 


Taking moments to appreciate little things matters a lot in relationships. Ever felt what makes certain things more valuable with a word of praise from your dearest one? More than a heart's thing, there is a scientific reason for it too. Receiving compliments and words of appreciation from someone special releases dopamine or the ‘happy’ hormone. This in turn creates a positive impact on your relationship and strengthens bonds. Moreover, it is a clear sign of a happy, healthy marriage. 


If the core of your relationship is built on trust, everything else naturally falls into place. No relationship in the whole world remains happy without mutual trust and understanding. However, building trust between partners is never a one-time process; it is gained throughout the journey of togetherness. If your partner stays honest and expects the same from you, consider it a positive symbol of a healthy relationship. 


All the factors we discussed above work only when both partners equally invest time and effort. Spending time together is the best way to grow closer, understand each other's likes and dislikes, and share opinions. Every moment you spend together creates memories for the future, and these memories affirm that you are part of a happy, fulfilling marriage. 

Patience and Forgiveness

The best things in life always take time, and patience is part of building a lasting relationship based on genuine feelings and good qualities. Life is a collective experience of perfect and imperfect moments. Understanding the differences, handling unique perspectives and resolving conflicts are all part of relationships. Embracing these qualities as a part of life is never possible unless you possess qualities of patience and forgiveness. 

Make use of your humour sense

Laughter is undoubtedly one of the best emotions and a powerful medicine that can easily spread positivity in your life. Crack jokes with your partner to simplify complex situations and lighten the mood. Infuse your time together with humour and laughter, creating cherished memories for the future. 

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Top Secrets for a Successful Marriage

For most couples, the initial days of marriage tend to offer happy memories, but as time passes, the sweetness of this romantic phase slowly disappears. Sustaining love, happiness and intimacy throughout the marriage is possible, but it takes significant effort and a great deal of commitment from both partners. While individuals are different and the way they view relationships varies, there are some universal facts and secrets to successful marriages, which we will explore in this section of the blog. 

Self-discovery: Every day is a journey to finding something new about yourself. Until you realise what you truly seek in a relationship, leading a meaningful relationship is a distant dream. Understand your expectations of the relationship, what you want your partner to be like, and what qualities you seek in them. 

Being respectful to each other in adverse times: No relationship ever passes without conflicts. Differences and difficulties are part of the journey and couples often struggle to maintain respect when things get out of hand. Addressing disputes with mutual respect and valuing each other's opinions is crucial in finding the right solution to challenges. While your partner shares the journey of life with you, he/she is also an individual with opinions and perspectives of their own. Acknowledging this fosters a healthy relationship between individuals and helps them overcome challenges together. 

Acceptance: Acceptance is the key to a successful marriage and an essential quality every individual must possess. While making mistakes is a basic human trait, many people are often resistant to acknowledging them. This resistance can create barriers among partners and negatively impact their relationship. Keeping negative emotions like ego and pride aside and accepting flaws and faults is the best way to ensure harmony in relationships. 

Discover what’s common: Two people having common interests and values are more likely to come together than people with distant beliefs and interests. This is yet another reason why it is essential to find common ground with your partner. Music, food, shows, games, or ideologies — whatever factors lie in common within individuals — can strengthen bonds and make marriage more enjoyable and exciting. 

Spend some quality time together: One of the most common reasons why most marriages fail is when partners fail to remain invested in their relationships. While partners find it interesting to spend time together during the initial phase of marriage, they often struggle to make this a habit. Spending quality couple moments together and having open conversations is the key to resolving most issues within relationships. Engage in refreshing activities together, like cycling, going on a walk, arranging a romantic candlelight dinner or watching a movie together. Every moment you spend together deepens your relationship with your significant other.

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Things You Shouldn’t Do in a Relationship

Involving third parties: A relationship between two individuals often involves disagreements and disappointing moments. The worst you could do is to make a third person interfere and make decisions in your life. Always remember marriage is a partnership and a close-knit relationship between two people, where individuals from outside should have less influence. Be it family or friends, giving other people the right to take control of your life complicates things and creates a negative impact on your marriage. 

Not leaving the past behind: Rather than resolving issues and moving forward with the present, bringing things from the past is a sign of weakness and adversely affects relationships. It hinders healing and even makes small things worse. Leaving the past behind and focusing on the present is the best approach couples should adopt. 

Neglecting personal boundaries: Neglecting personal boundaries and viewing your partner as if they are all yours to control is a toxic trait that can spoil a relationship. Respecting boundaries and valuing their individuality is what every partner should follow. Every individual has a personal space that must be respected; being in a relationship does not change the importance of maintaining that boundary. 

Comparing your partner with others: You cannot be someone else, and neither can your partner. Respecting their uniqueness and loving them for who they are is essential in a marriage. Comparing your partner to others indicates an unhealthy bond, undermining their qualities and compelling them to be someone they are not. Such toxic behaviour signifies red flags that you should recognise and address. 

Not providing emotional support: Everyone longs for a partner who stands by them in both life’s best moments and during challenging times. Not giving your partner emotional support during tough times is the worst thing you could do to spoil your relationship. An ideal partner offers physical, mental and emotional support to uplift each other during difficult moments. 

Blaming, rather than resolving: Even the smallest problem becomes complicated when not dealt with the right way. Finding faults and resolving them fosters a healthy relationship but blaming each other for what went wrong does not do any good. Constantly criticising your partner creates the impression that you devalue their presence, leading to constant problems in your marriage. 

Being jealous of your partner: One of the worst flaws in human character is jealousy. Whether it is friendship or a romantic relationship, jealousy is a trait that replaces everything good with negativity. Considering your partner as your counterpart and their happiness as yours is what is expected in a happy marriage. Rather than competing, instil pure intentions like love and trust in your relationship. Letting the negative qualities take over your relationship can create irreversible damage to your marriage. 

Shutting down your emotions or stonewalling does not make things any better when things go wrong. Instead, choose to behave maturely and view your marriage in a positive light where both you and your partner deserve all the best things. 

Final Thoughts 

Marriage is a complex journey that requires a great deal of patience and effort to forge a lasting bond. While differences make us unique, being together for all good reasons is the essence of a strong relationship. As a constant companion and a lifelong ally, every partner should view marriage as a commitment and dedicate themselves to nurturing it in every possible way to ensure lasting joy and fulfilment. 

Still waiting for the perfect time to get married? Know that there is no ‘perfect time’, and the time is always perfect when you are truly ready for it. Haven’t you found your soulmate yet? Join Nest Matrimony, the best matrimony site for Malayalis. With over 3 lakh profiles from diverse regions and communities, we connect you with potential life partners. Live your concept of a happy marriage with Nest Matrimony. 

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