How To Stop Overreacting

Posted on 3 July
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On a given day all we feel irritated many times because of the situations and people. Could you really expect a time when all situations and people are fully positive and supporting? No. So the real problem is not with people and situation but in the way we react. Check out how top stop overreacting. 

Is it normal to feel irritated when people and situations not in the way you expect? If it’s normal then everyone should react in the same way. But we all know people who remain calm in the midst of all problems. They respond rather than react. They know reacting, worrying or being stressed never solve anything but right responses do. You should choose the same thing - to respond rather than react.

People have different cultures, behaviours and belief systems. What’s right for you may be feel like total stupid to someone else. So we can’t really expect an all support all loving worlds in our lifetime. But we can always choose our response. Isn’t it the greatest power in the world. How many can remain calm in the midst of chaos? Such people enjoy the true joy of life every single time.


From childhood onwards we have been trained to believe that it’s normal to feel upset when someone or something not comes in our way. That’s what we see most of the time. But being upset or worried never solves anything. When a problem arrives we should look for the solution rather than being upset. 

No matter whether it a situation or people overreacting never solve anything. It only helps to make the situation even worse. More importantly when the same type of situation happen again you are going to react in the same way. It becomes your habit. You will become a overreactive person.

Understand one thing even if the whole world stands against you, belittle you, criticize you but you choose to remain calm in your mind nothing will affect you. This may feel impossible. But your mind has that power. For example you know how to do a thing very clearly. Even if your family member tries to convince you that you don’t know how to do it, would you become reactive? No you may smile. You definitely don’t feel anything negative. In the same way your mind has the power to remain calm and happy even in the face of adversity.


It’s your responsibility to train your mind to be respond rather than reactive. It won’t happen overnight. More importantly you should consciously stop reacting to small small things that happen out of your expectation. Gradually it becomes your habit to remain calm when small disturbing situations happen. The best part of reaching that mental state is it inspires you to remain calm even when bigger problems arrive.

More than the talents and skills it’s the choices you make what define the quality of your life. There is no choice is more wise than not reactive to situations and people. That habit helps you realize no matter what happens outside you have the power to control the state of your mind. So always choose to respond rather than react. 

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