How Imagination Affects Body And Mind

Posted on 2 November
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Everyone has the power of imagination. But one can use it constructively or destructively. How someone uses his imagination determines his destiny. Let’s check out how imagination affects body and mind

For all your brain can’t distinguish between what’s real and imaginary. In other words what you imagine has the same effect on your body and mind as something you feel in the real world. 

Imagination is the metal pictures you form on your mind. As we said earlier, our brain can’t see the difference between what’s real and what’s imaginary. In the real world when you face something tragic it’s normal to feel unhappy or stressed.

But if you let your mind hold the memory of that event for too long you will feel more pain. Because the effect on your body from what you imagine and what you face in the real world is the same.


If you think something bad is going to happen in your life again and again you will feel the same pain and stress as it happens for real. See nobody can stop you from what you imagine. Only you can control your imagination.

The outside world or people never going to be within your control. Life isn’t fair and bad things happen every now and then. But you can always decide how you feel about something. It depends on how you think and what kind of imagination you keep.

If you don’t want to feel bad make a promise to yourself you won’t let yourself immerse in negative mental images. No matter how worse the problem you are facing it’s not an excuse to immerse in destructive imagination. It only help to make the situation even worse. Seeking solution is the only sensible way to handle a problem. That’s what all great people do. You should do the same.


Life will salute you when you start to use your imagination constructively. Imagine constructively doesn’t mean always daydreaming. Whatever your goals are, you can build ideas and plans through your imagination to reach your goals. 

Make a firm decision what kind of man you want to be. What kind of values and skills your future self needs. You can create mental pictures of how you practice, how you perform to reach your goals. It makes the effort you need to put so much easier. 

When you start to use imagination in this way you would understand it’s not the people or outside world but you and your mind who's responsible for what you are feeling. So always keep a positive mental picture in your mind, always hope for good.

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